안녕하세요, 이소영 입니다.

I’m a UX Engineer who loves design systems, good web services, and beautiful things.

I’m always thinking about how to make the most impact with the same resources, but I also believe that sometimes inefficient choices are necessary. I believe in investing in design, systems, testing, and automation that are flexible to change, and I try to make sure that these elements go hand in hand with product improvement.

I love to share my experience and knowledge. I believe that knowledge becomes mine when I can share it, and I want to contribute to the virtuous cycle of sharing.

Work Experience

(2023.03 ~ )

position PC Design Platform Team
projects Design System

Design System

tds-desktop architect design and development

Built a new PC design system used by various Toss affiliates. Set goals, direction, and contributed to UX and DX improvements for the design system.

  • Define the level of abstraction of product components and define the responsibilities of the design system

    • Categorize the components that make up the product into four layers (combination of domain components / domain components / product system / design system) and define the responsibilities of each layer.
    • Based on this, divide the responsibilities and non-responsibilities of the design system and organize the foundation for decision-making.
  • Establish a design direction

    • Designing APIs within the unfamiliarity budget, establishing a design system design direction that ensures consistency, and disseminating it within the team
  • Introduce testing for stability and confidence
  • Organize codeshift and ecosystem for migration to new system
  • Participate in suggestions and design for better UX

(2021.02 ~ 2022.11)

position Design Platform, Core Squad
projects Design System, flex2.0개편, Core HR관련 서비스

Design Platform

flex Design System 3.0(linear) architect design and development

Build a new design system based on lessons learned from Design System2.0, which helped designers and developers collaborate and contributed to the flexibility, aesthetics, and accessibility of our products.

  • Design systems to ensure consistency of behavior while reducing the constraints of representation (https://so-so.dev/react/design-system-decision-record/)

    • Define abstract components to efficiently support different component usages
    • Compose headless components to ensure consistency of behavior
  • Separate packages for systems that focus on scalability (linear) and systems that focus on productivity (linear-extension)

    • Use modules in linear to provide UI patterns that are frequently used in the product as modules in linear-extension
  • Organize tests based on component scenarios

planning and developing tools to make designers and developers more productive

  • Created a script to synchronize design resources managed in Figma with code, reducing communication costs for resource changes.
  • Created the Lorem ipsum Figma plugin to help designers be more productive by eliminating the need to worry about Korean content.
  • Skeleton Code generator Figma Plugin to help developers be more productive by generating skeleton component code

    flex2.0 개편

We revamped the product to ensure it could be used by customers of all sizes and HR policies. I contributed to the groundwork and prioritization, and together we created a roadmap of tasks to ensure that the big changes were implemented quickly and reliably.

  • 2.0 Project design and base package creation

    • Developed a hook package that automatically generates queryKey based on API request information so that developers do not have to determine the queryKey, which must be unique when using react-query.
    • Introduced libraries that were not used in flex1.0, such as stitches.js and react-hook-form, and disseminated user guides within the team
    • Development of antd-based Design System 2.0 and subsequent maintenance
    • Improved Framer code component organization so that one implementation can be used in design and development phases
  • User profile, add/invite members

    • Design and development of complex forms with a combination of Uncontrolled and Controlled
    • Designed to simplify the handling of permissions
  • Project Performance TF

    • Improved package bundle settings in TF to improve the speed of the product, improving the total bundle size from 2.52MB to 1.84MB

Core HR

  • Developed a common modularization of Editable Table using ag-grid to conveniently modify a large amount of information, and developed a mass change of HR/contract information feature based on this.
  • To solve the problem of not being able to customize the member onboarding process by company, we improved the onboarding function in a form that allows you to manage member invitation templates.

(2018.12 ~ 2021.02)

position Engineering Foundation
projects Design System, 카드/대출/투자 추천 서비스 2.0 개편

Design System

Designed and implemented the Banksalad Product Language (BPL) to increase design consistency and productivity. Shared lessons learned from initially organizing the design system in blog posts and internal presentations.

  • Developed components for the first version of 2.0 and organized documentation, storybooks, etc.
  • Reduced bundle size by 30% with improved rollup settings

Common Package Operations

  • Change common functions that were being duplicated and used by each project to a monorepo multi-package structure (related settings)
  • Added project scaffolding CLI, utility functions, etc.

Redeveloping the loan recommendation service

  • Decoupling View and Data and handling all business logic in redux middleware.

    • Apply redux, redux-saga, and share guides.
  • Run integration tests using msw and testing-library. Created a guide for writing test code within the team.

    • Increased test coverage from 10% to 70%.

Enhance Webview TTI

  • LightHouse baseline (Slow 4G) improved from 40 to 87.

    • TTI from 2.5 seconds to 1.5 seconds
  • Share SSR Guide


